Hi perfect1, this is kind of funny to me.
While traveling through Northeren Italy I went to the Hall , my Italian is very bad ,but I had a bible , song book, watchtower and a Kingdom Ministery ( km's are different in other countries)
This little town had been taken over by Southerners. Messisna, Sicily, etc. Some of the these Brothers had even been made Elders ..Oh my god. The locals were in an uproar.The peasants are taking over. It was a big deal.
I had no idea that there was still a cultural class even in the KHalls. I talked to Family when I got home and it's here in CA too. What ever....smile..
Oh and if you must go to a meeting ,it's way funner not knowing what is being said and singing a song in the wrong launguage. Plus your right , it's less likely you will go all hypnotized from the repetitive words.Plus in Italy it's no big deal to go to meeting after drinking wine, even for lunch. You just wouldnt want to be intoxicated as you would only embaress yourself, if you know what I mean.